Saturday, 25 August 2012

Disaster Over!

If I've been a bit quiet lately it's mostly because I had a minor disaster the other night. I'd been sat on the sofa reading, put my kindle on the floor reading to pick up again, went to get a drink and when I came back and sat down managed to send the TV remote plummeting onto my kindle. In a bout of pointless optimism, despite the fact most of the page had frozen bar a small square in the corner edged with black and white stripes, I tried an overnight charge and a reset but to no avail. 

My kindle was well out of warranty and as it was purely my fault the call I put in to Amazon was more out of hope for some magic bullet to fix my poor kindle than in expectation of getting a new one. They weren't that kind but in their usual helpful manner they did offer me a 20-25% discount off of certain models. 

As it happens none of those was the 3G keyboard version which I wanted, and I had some gift vouchers for one of the UK retailers who stock kindles so this morning I have now been able to sort out my kindlelessness. I'm very happy to have a working one again; I have got the kindle app on my laptop but don't like reading on it, and I don't have such a massive stack of books to read on my shelves! Amazon also deserve another pat on the back for the help they gave me today with changing my kindle email address. On my old kindle I had an address that was just my name, the new one was followed by a random number. A quick click for a callback and about 3 minutes on the phone with a very friendly member of staff got that swapped round no problem.

I'm now in the process of moving all my books back into their collections (it's gonna take a while!) and I'm looking forward to getting back to the book I was reading when it died. I'm sure I was about to get to a pivotal bit! 

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