This week's question is:
Do you judge a book by its cover?
When I was mostly reading physical books I'd have said the answer was no, I'd look at the author and the blurb, browsing the shop by genre. When I got my kindle I thought as the picture was small and black and white that they'd be even less relevant. However I've found that browsing the kindle store I look at the covers first and foremost, make instant judgements about what sort of book it is and only pay much attention, going on to look at the product page of the ones that catch my eye.
I do love striking art, my walls are covered with water colours, prints and photos, and I think this is one of my fave covers, I have picked the book off my shelf in the past just to look at it.
Hey Im a new follower via FF.
I gotta say I judge a book by its cover. Guilty!
Come check out my blog if you have time :)
Love the blog! new GFC follower! hope you will follow me back!! =]
Wow you are the first one that I've seen that said they didn't really judge a book by the cover in print. I actually judge a book less by its cover on my eReader than in print. I'm not likely to buy a book on my reader that wasn't recommended by someone. When I am in a book store, I pick my own books really. Theres just something about the difference in environments.
The cover is what draws me in first, but the description has to sell me! I'm a new follower. My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews
Hi TC thanks for dropping by my blog via this weeks Follow on Friday, I'm now following you.
Yeah, I don't think it's a bad thing to use the covers as a filter. I think there should be as much care and consideration put in to the cover as there was in the rest of the book.
I love colorful art too. I find those types of books are the ones I gravitate towards first.
Thanks for visiting, everyone! I think as the blog hop is a non-starter this week it's reasonable to make it a follow weekend.
That is a very beautiful cover and I find myself more and more attracted to cover art the more that I blog hop.
Hey there!
New follower here. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for stopping by my blog!
I hate to admit that I like pretty things so I do judge a book by its cover! Eeck! :-D
Happy Blog Hop!
Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter
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