Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Is it nearly Christmas yet?

3 weeks ago I thought I was the only one lacking any festive spirit and felt like I needed to step up my preparations, but now I can't believe it's still not even Christmas Eve. Thank goodness we're nearly there. I love Christmas, or at least the build up, but not the massive anti-climax once all the presents are open, you've eaten too much and realised there's nothing on TV and nowhere to go. The run up seems to start earlier every year, soon we'll be merging Easter, Valentines Day and Christmas into one long, over-commercialised holiday. This year I shall make a concerted effort to go to church on Christmas Eve with my Nan, it's a tradition we started when I was a kid and she used to take me to a Christingle kids service at the Cathedral in the town where we used to live. We let it slip when I got older but now it's a great way to remember what it's all about and take a bit of time to sit and reflect.

The major upside of Christmas is a break from work and time with family. Tomorrow Monkey is off to nursery and I get a day to myself. I'm hoping that I can fit in some reading (started Helen Smith's Being Light yesterday) but I suspect most of the day will be taken up undoing the damage and mess I made today. We had a carpet fitted in Monkey's newly decorated room today and I moved lots of furniture, but ended up emptying lots of stuff all over the place. Then my sister, just arrived to stay with the olds for Christmas after a four hour drive, came round with my little nieces. That definitely brought an end to my chances of tidying! I thought moving the furniture while hubby was out was doing him a favour, but I get a feeling he'll be a bit grumpy when he comes in and sees the mess. Once he's recovered his sense of humour we've got 4 whole days as a family before he's back on shifts, with lots of visiting of family to do, and hopefully some books under the tree. Roll on Christmas Eve!

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